Website cornwall_marine Cornwall Marine Network (CMN)
Invitation to Tender
European Social Fund – Employer Led Skills Project (ELS)
Specification Reference: Cross-sector consultancy and training- ELS
ESF Priority Axis: Priority Axis 2: Skills for Growth
ESF Investment Priority 2.1: Enhancing equal access to lifelong learning
Area: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (C&IoS)
Opens: 24th May 2021
Closes: 28th June 2021
About Cornwall Marine Network
Cornwall Marine Network (CMN) is a not for profit company, limited by guarantee, set up in 2002 to help marine businesses improve their prosperity and sustainability. In the last 15 years it has worked to secure project funding to deliver a range of services to its now more than 300 member businesses and has successfully delivered more than 100 business support projects to its marine member businesses since 2005, creating more than 3,000 new jobs and seeing the key to the current and future success as continuing to support members through innovative training, marketing initiatives and business support including productivity and innovation improvements. CMN has extended this effective role to include services to other sectors through a network of Delivery Partners.
About this Invitation to Tender
CMN has secured project funding through the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), known locally as the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Programme, from the European Union’s European Social Fund for a project named Employer Led Skills (ELS).
In order to effectively respond to the needs of employers across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (IoS), a framework of suitably qualified freelance tutors and assessors, consultants and training providers was set up in early 2021 and is currently being ‘called off’ as required. The needs of employers is proving to be very wide ranging and so CMN needs to fill some gaps that the framework currently does not offer. This tender document outlines the specific areas of delivery that are still required, and that CMN is encouraging relevant training providers to submit proposals to be considered for inclusion on the existing framework. A full list of training provision required is provided in section 3 below.
The intention is for this framework to offer a range of training solutions and meet a wide range of business needs across Cornwall and the IoS. It will therefore be reviewed every 6 months, with new providers invited to join the framework as appropriate. This tender round does not change the existing set up agreed with previous successful training providers; it will rather enhance the current offer to ensure CMN is able to fulfil its original intention and respond effectively and efficiently to the needs of employers across Cornwall and IoS.
The intention is that the training offered on the framework will deliver both RQF accredited qualification based outcomes as well as bespoke non accredited provision. Some curriculum development work is likely to be required in order to design and deliver bespoke training packages. Delivery methods will offer flexibility consisting of both face to face provision and complete online delivery, as well as a blended learning offer. Further information regarding the framework is detailed in sections 2a and 3d of this specification.
Creation of this framework is in response to the needs of the ELS project although it is expected that it will also service CMN’s delivery on other ESF projects such as Flourish, Business Clusters and SERCO, as well as other ESF and non EU training projects as they emerge.
Please download the full Invitation to Tender by Clicking Here
Questions can be addressed to CMN by email to
All questions and answers will be published for the benefit of all potential applicants on the CMN website.