Partner: Software Cornwall
Projects partnered on: Developing Skills for Business, BBO Game Changer
Connecting, promoting and supporting the growing tech community in Cornwall. Software Cornwall are the Game Changer sector lead for IT technologies. Game Changer works with young people aged 15-24 who are at risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training) or who are currently NEET to increase their confidence and skills and enable them to explore and move into fulfilling careers. Game Changer aims to give young people the freedom to explore and view their future from a different perspective and experience a broad range of career opportunities.
The Developing Skills for Business programme brings together Cornish and Isles of Scilly employers across 11 sectors to create and develop training and apprenticeships that deliver the skills their businesses need. Software Cornwall cover the areas of: Digital- Software
The programme, funded by the European Social Fund and fund managed by The Cornwall College Group, will provide financial support to businesses to co-design, develop and deliver employer centred activities- led by partner organisations within each sector.