Channel Marine Academy
Following on from the successes of CMN’s own Marine Academy, the Channel Marine Academy project was an EU Interreg IVa initiative, funded by the European Regional Development Fund, bringing together 6 French and British partners and led by Cornwall Marine Network to collaborate on a wide range of themes, such as employment and training in marine industries.
The project combined two very different approaches: working with companies with specific needs in terms of competency, and raising the awareness and developing the employability of young people, school leavers, or those integrating the job market, who often lack information about marine careers available in their region.
The programme aimed at enhancing the emergence of an area of common citizenship, a sense of belonging to a cross-border area and a specific identity, supporting tangible and sustainable co-operation, within the three-way perspective of innovation and competitiveness, social cohesion and sustainable development.
For more information on the Channel Marine Academy visit the project website: