Cornwall Council has today announced details of how it will deliver the Government’s Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant, as well as the Additional Restrictions Grant, which it has discretion to pay to local businesses most in need.
Businesses eligible for the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant will receive a letter from the Council shortly with details of the grant conditions and what they will need to supply to verify their eligibility.
Cornwall Council will be processing grant applications under this scheme in two tranches – the second tranche for eligible accommodation providers will open on Monday, January 24. Audit checks, as required by Government, will also be carried out to ensure that grants are only paid to those entitled to them under the eligibility criteria. Businesses have until Sunday, February 20 to apply for the grant.
Leader of the Council, Linda Taylor said; “We are pleased that the Government has now set out changes to restrict second homeowners registering their properties for business rates.
“Sadly, this will not be in place for this grant scheme and so we are encouraging any business or resident who is eligible for the scheme, but not in need of a grant, to consider donating the grant to the Cornwall Community Foundation so that it can be reinvested for the benefit of our communities.”
The Cornwall Community Foundation raises funds from individuals and businesses and distributes them to community and grassroots non-profit organisations who are changing lives across Cornwall.
Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG)
The ARG scheme will open for applications by Tuesday, January 25 and close on Friday, February 4 at 11.59. Information on how to apply will be available on the Council’s website week commencing Monday, January 24.
Stephen Rushworth, Economy Portfolio Holder, said; “We have consulted with the business community and have tried to prioritise those businesses which were most impacted by Omicron in the run up to Christmas, but not eligible for the one-off Government grant. This is important as we know the available funding will not go far.”
The ARG will be aimed at businesses who can demonstrate they have been severely impacted by Omicron within the following sectors linked to hospitality and leisure:
- Food and drink producers, suppliers and distributers
- Event businesses, entertainment providers and suppliers
- Taxi drivers, taxi companies and private coach companies
- Businesses linked to international travel, for example catteries and kennels
For more information on business grants visit
- Sam Winters asked 3 years ago
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