The group heard from Wendi Goodman at Volvo Penta, CMB.TECH in the Netherlands and Tower Group on how we can bring green hydrogen to Cornwall and what technologies are already available to support production, distribution, storage and the actual use of hydrogen.
They were joined by many of the key people helping to shape these new opportunities within our county along with businesses and organisations that will benefit from this technology or can support the development of it within the region.
The Group saw examples of technology already in use across the world by technology developers and experience of actual project delivery in The Netherlands with overviews and Q&A with Nils Cohrs FEI, who advises several companies in the hydrogen and offshore wind renewable energy sectors.
Since the event last week, Cornwall Marine Network has met with local MP’s, local government, inward trade & investment, investors and other business leaders on these opportunities and how they can support the businesses and organisations who are making this happen.
If you would like to be involved in hydrogen and future fuel roundtables, contact us today.
#maritime2050 #netzero #hydrogenroundtable #futurefuels #futurehydrogen #offshoreenergy
This event was fully funded by The Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF), which Cornwall Marine Network is a delivery partner of. The LSIF will provide investment in new facilities and equipment, fund the development and delivery of new courses and curriculum, and support excellence in college leadership, governance and teaching to create a sustainable approach to addressing local skill needs. This follows the publication of employer-led Local Skills Improvement Plans last August, bringing business and education closer together.