Cornwall Marine Network is a partner in the Developing Skills for Business programme which is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and works with employers to design, develop and pilot training and apprenticeships to improve the relevance of skills training for local businesses across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
Employer Led Skills (ELS)
The Employer Led Skills (ELS) project, led by Cornwall Marine Network and part funded by the European Social Fund will support 3,090 individuals through a collaborative partnership of 9 Delivery Partners.
It will address identified skills gaps across Cornwall & Isles of Scilly through the delivery of practical, flexible and effective business-led programmes designed to up-skill and re-skill the workforce across a range of sectors including Agri-Food, Construction, Digital, Health and Social Care, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Marine and Retail.
Marine-i is an ambitious programme designed to enable innovation in the marine technology sector in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The sector has been identified as an area of high growth potential for the region. Marine-I focuses on four interconnected themes: marine energy, marine manufacturing, maritime operations and marine environmental technologies. The aim of the project is to stimulate and support research, development and innovation to help businesses exploit new market opportunities.
Developing Skills for Business
Cornwall Marine Network is a partner in the Developing Skills for Business programme which is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and works with employers to design, develop and pilot training and apprenticeships to improve the relevance of skills training for local businesses across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
The Propel business support project is designed to help small and medium sized marine businesses to improve their business systems, processes and develop new products. Cornwall Marine Network’s staff assist our members (and other marine businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly) in identifying and tackling key issues which are obstacles to business growth ambitions.
Atlantic Youth
Atlantic Youth is a 3-year project run in collaboration with transnational partners and schools, which facilitates access to marine activities for Year 7 to Year 10 pupils. By working with schools locally, the project aims to make more young people aware of the marine environment as a resource to protect and enjoy, and as an exciting career path.
My School is an Island
My School is an Island is an environmentally-themed 7-week STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) project for 12-14 year olds to inspire students towards STEM related careers by linking education and industry in real life situations. Through this project, students are invited to think of their school as an island and explore issues such as energy use, recycling, water and transport. With the support from industry mentors, students use their imagination and creative skills to re-design a sustainable island school.
Careers and Enterprise Programme
CMN’s specialist staff team, supported by a network of local industry voluntary marine ambassadors, work with young people, parents and teachers to promote marine careers and deliver industry-led programmes that equip school leavers with the right skills and understanding of key issues to meet employers’ current and future needs.
Futureworks is a ground breaking new programme designed to inspire the next generation of scientists, developers and engineers. Working across the south west peninsula, Futureworks brings together schools and businesses to excite, challenge and engage young people in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).
Objective One Marketing Grants
The Objective One CMN Marketing Grant Project was Cornwall Marine Network’s first project funding application, submitted by the Board of Directors in 2005.
As a result of CMN winning a project worth £1,070,000 to provide professional marketing advice and mentoring to marine businesses, support them to write company marketing plans, offer additional support of 50% grants towards the costs of marketing approved within the company marketing plans, we were able to employ a staff team for the very first time.
Cornwall Marine Capital Fund
The Cornwall Marine Capital Fund had £1,750,000 to distribute to businesses in the marine sector in Cornwall, with the aim of creating 145 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Jobs in the sector and unlocking £5.3m of private sector investment. The Cornwall Marine Capital Fund is an example of a CMN project that has led to new job creation. CMN aligned its Cornwall Apprenticeship Agency with the Cornwall Marine Capital Fund to ensure that some of the jobs are made available to apprentices who are supported and trained by CMN and associated colleges.
SERFA was developed to create a more supportive approach to apprenticeships, helping SMEs identify their internal capacity to generate apprenticeship vacancies and access the support they need with the recruitment, training and management of apprenticeship contracts. The hugely successful project has created new opportunities for apprentices across Europe. An innovative model of Apprenticeship support is now available to businesses, with partners trained on Cornwall Marine Network’s pioneering skills brokerage model.
Traditional Maritime Skills
The Traditional Maritime Skills Project was developed in response to threats to marine development, including diminishing skills in traditional boat building, in the 2 Seas Area (covering the English Channel and North Sea). The cross-border cooperation created a commitment by all partners to preserving traditional boat building skills in the four countries of the 2 Seas area for the long-term. Together, they collected and recorded these skills, promoted their use in traditional and modern boat building and increased the number of people pursuing education and a career in boat building.
Skills Support for the Workforce
Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) is a programme developed to upskill people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Combining recognised accredited qualifications and bespoke training courses, SSW is about increasing skills and obtaining better jobs with higher pay. The project was designed for with both employers and individuals in mind, providing recognised qualifications and training to boost the local workforce.
ESF Skills for Work: Marine Renewables Research
In order to create a Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) industry that is sustainable for the future, Cornwall Marine Network identified the need to close skills’ gaps limiting Cornish businesses involvement in the MRE Sector.
Channel Marine Academy
Following on from the successes of CMN’s own Marine Academy, the Channel Marine Academy project was an EU Interreg IVa initiative, funded by the European Regional Development Fund, bringing together 6 French and British partners and led by Cornwall Marine Network to collaborate on a wide range of themes, such as employment and training in marine industries.
The MERiFIC project sought to advance the adoption of marine energy across the two regions of Cornwall and Finistère and the island communities of le Parc Naturel Marin d’Iroise and the Isles of Scilly. Project partners worked together to identify the specific opportunities and issues faced by peripheral and island communities in exploiting marine renewable energy resources with the aim of developing tool kits and resources for use by other similar communities.
ELISA Cornwall
With an economic base comprising 93% micro and small companies, and only 8% employing apprentices, it was clear Cornwall needed an additional approach to skills solutions for small businesses. The ELISA project aimed to address these needs.
Build a Boat Project
A collaborative project between Cornwall Marine Network (CMN) and Devon and Cornwall Housing (DCH), the Build a Boat Project sought to make a significant difference to the knowledge and opportunities of the residents of the Treneere Estate in Penzance (including local school students) to engage with the marine sector.
Skills Support for Young People
Cornwall Marine Network (CMN) was a supply chain partner in the Skills Support for Young People project managed by Careers South West (CSW). Between 2016 and 2019 CMN’s bespoke training provision successfully supported young people aged 15-24 Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) or at risk of NEET to progress onto further education, an Apprenticeship or a job.
Positive People
This partnership is providing support for Cornwall’s most socially excluded communities enabling them to enter and return to employment, education and training; helping over 1,300 individuals who are out of work to build their skills, confidence and motivation. This includes people with disabilities, mental health issues, ex-offenders, homeless people and people over 50. The programmes aim is to benefit local communities by reducing poverty and anti-social behaviour. It will also contribute to the growth of the local economy with employers having access to a pool of people with the relevant skills to meet their needs.

My School is an Island
My School is an Island is an environmentally-themed 7-week STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) project for 12-14 year olds to inspire students towards STEM related careers by linking education and industry in real life situations. Through this project, students are invited to think of their school as an island and explore issues such as energy use, recycling, water and transport. With the support from industry mentors, students use their imagination and creative skills to re-design a sustainable island school.

Atlantic Youth
Atlantic Youth is a 3-year project run in collaboration with transnational partners and schools, which facilitates access to marine activities for Year 7 to Year 10 pupils. By working with schools locally, the project aims to make more young people aware of the marine environment as a resource to protect and enjoy, and as an exciting career path. Atlantic Youth is an Erasmus + Strategic Partnership in the Field of Education, Training and Youth project that involves 5 countries: Portugal, Spain, France, England and Ireland.

Futureworks is a ground breaking new programme designed to inspire the next generation of scientists, developers and engineers. Working across the south west peninsula, Futureworks brings together schools and businesses to excite, challenge and engage young people in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

Skills Support for Young People
Cornwall Marine Network (CMN) was a supply chain partner in the Skills Support for Young People project managed by Careers South West (CSW). Between 2016 and 2019 CMN’s bespoke training provision successfully supported young people aged 15-24 Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) or at risk of NEET to progress onto further education, an Apprenticeship or a job.

The Propel business support project is designed to help small and medium sized marine businesses to improve their business systems, processes and develop new products. Cornwall Marine Network’s staff assist our members (and other marine businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly) in identifying and tackling key issues which are obstacles to business growth ambitions

Careers and Enterprise Company
The Careers & Enterprise Company was established in 2015 to help link schools and colleges to employers, in order to increase employer engagement for young people.
During their first 3 years, they have worked with Local Enterprise Partnerships to build a national network which now links 2,000 (over 50%) schools and colleges to employers.

Objective One Marketing Grants
The Objective One CMN Marketing Grant Project was Cornwall Marine Network’s first project funding application, submitted by the Board of Directors in 2005.
As a result of CMN winning a project worth £1,070,000 to provide professional marketing advice and mentoring to marine businesses, support them to write company marketing plans, offer additional support of 50% grants towards the costs of marketing approved within the company marketing plans, we were able to employ a staff team for the very first time.

Cornwall Marine Capital Fund
The Cornwall Marine Capital Fund had £1,750,000 to distribute to businesses in the marine sector in Cornwall, with the aim of creating 145 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Jobs in the sector and unlocking £5.3m of private sector investment

SERFA was developed to create a more supportive approach to apprenticeships, helping SMEs identify their internal capacity to generate apprenticeship vacancies and access the support they need with the recruitment, training and management of apprenticeship contracts. The hugely successful project has created new opportunities for apprentices across Europe. An innovative model of Apprenticeship support is now available to businesses, with partners trained on Cornwall Marine Network’s pioneering skills brokerage model.

Traditional Maritime Skills
The Traditional Maritime Skills Project was developed in response to threats to marine development, including diminishing skills in traditional boat building, in the 2 Seas Area (covering the English Channel and North Sea).

Skills for the Workforce
Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) is a programme developed to upskill people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Combining recognised accredited qualifications and bespoke training courses, SSW is about increasing skills and obtaining better jobs with higher pay. The project was designed for with both employers and individuals in mind, providing recognised qualifications and training to boost the local workforce.

ESF Marine Renewables Research
In order to create a Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) industry that is sustainable for the future, Cornwall Marine Network identified the need to close skills’ gaps limiting Cornish businesses involvement in the MRE Sector.

Channel Marine Academy
Following on from the successes of CMN’s own Marine Academy, the Channel Marine Academy project was an EU Interreg IVa initiative, funded by the European Regional Development Fund, bringing together 6 French and British partners and led by Cornwall Marine Network to collaborate on a wide range of themes, such as employment and training in marine industries.

The MERiFIC project sought to advance the adoption of marine energy across the two regions of Cornwall and Finistère and the island communities of le Parc Naturel Marin d’Iroise and the Isles of Scilly. Project partners worked together to identify the specific opportunities and issues faced by peripheral and island communities in exploiting marine renewable energy resources with the aim of developing tool kits and resources for use by other similar communities.
Traditional Maritime Skills
The Traditional Maritime Skills Project was developed in response to threats to marine development, including diminishing skills in traditional boat building, in the 2 Seas Area (covering the English Channel and North Sea).

ELISA Cornwall
With an economic base comprising 93% micro and small companies, and only 8% employing apprentices, it was clear Cornwall needed an additional approach to skills solutions for small businesses. The ELISA project aimed to address these needs.

Build a Boat Project
A collaborative project between Cornwall Marine Network (CMN) and Devon and Cornwall Housing (DCH), the Build a Boat Project sought to make a significant difference to the knowledge and opportunities of the residents of the Treneere Estate in Penzance (including local school students) to engage with the marine sector.